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Designing for

AI-generated ​Chats


Cleo is an AI financial assistant app that offers insights on spending, saving tips, ​budgeting, and credit score building through chat. Previously using intent classification ​and pre-written responses, Cleo now leverages AI-generated chat for more engaging ​and dynamic conversations. I’ve been working on a set of internal tools to facilitate the ​Content Designers' job in the creation of those chats.


Cleo is an AI financial assistant app designed to help people manage their finances.

Through chat, users engage with Cleo on a range of topics including insights on their ​spending, saving tips, budgeting advice, and credit score building.

Even before the widespread adoption of sophisticated language models like ChatGPT, ​Cleo was already harnessing the power of AI for over six years to facilitate these ​conversations.

In the earlier system, we classified what users were asking (known as intent) and then ​provided pre-written responses. However, these often fell short of natural ​conversations, sometimes resembling search results.

Now, with AI-generated chat becoming more popular, people expect our conversations ​to be not just proficient, but also engaging and dynamic. To tackle that challenge, ​internal tools are essential for the job.

The importance of internal tools

Internal tools are the foundation of our mission to create exceptional AI-generated chat ​interactions. They provide the essential space for our prompt engineers to craft ​prompts that effectively guide AI responses.

As our ambitions grew, it became evident that a single tool was insufficient. The ​complexity of creating and managing diverse prompts, assessing response quality, and ​ensuring a seamless user experience called for a dedicated Product Designer on our ​team.

Designing a set of internal tools that empower the creation of AI-generated chats ​presents a multifaceted challenge.

These tools play a pivotal role in ensuring that AI, such as GPT-4, understands user ​intent and delivers responses that are not only accurate but also engaging and ​contextually relevant.

Here's why they matter:

Alignment with User Expectations: Users have higher expectations of AI-driven ​conversations today. They anticipate responses that are not just informative but also ​engaging, conversational, and tailored to their needs. Designing tools that aid in prompt ​creation allows us to align our AI interactions with these evolving expectations.

Precision in Communication: Crafting prompts that effectively convey user queries is ​essential. These tools help writers fine-tune prompts to ensure that the AI ​comprehends the nuances of user questions, leading to more accurate responses.

Optimising AI Output: AI models like GPT-4 are powerful, but they require clear ​instructions to provide the desired output. Tools for prompt creation enable us to give ​precise guidance to the AI, resulting in responses that are on-point and user-centric.

Maintaining Brand Voice: For brands like Cleo, maintaining a consistent brand voice is ​crucial. Internal tools help writers infuse the right tone and personality into prompts, ​ensuring that AI-generated responses reflect the brand's identity.

Efficiency and Scalability: As user interactions grow, internal tools become ​indispensable for efficiency and scalability. They enable prompt engineering at scale, ​meeting the demands of a growing user base without compromising quality.

The Challenge of Maintaining Quality

AI-generated responses can impress with their precision and even inject a touch of ​humour when done right, all while remaining contextual to the conversation.

However, there are times when they produce unintended or unhelpful outputs, as ​shown in this example below:

This highlights a critical issue: how do we ensure the quality of responses generated by ​AI, especially when the stakes are high, such as in customer support or informative ​interactions?

The answer lies in harnessing human expertise to evaluate and improve these ​responses. To address this challenge, we have created a tool that allows human ​evaluators to rate the quality of each AI-generated response. This human oversight is ​pivotal in maintaining the high standards of our chat interactions.

From Spreadsheet to Streamlined Interface

We started with a rudimentary system, depicted here as a simple spreadsheet:

Spreadsheet Row and Column

While it served its purpose, we recognized the need for a more sophisticated and user-​friendly interface. The journey from the spreadsheet to our new tool marks a significant ​step forward in assessing response quality:

Versus Text Illustration
Black Rectangle shadow

At the top, annotators can see the user request, followed by a two-column comparison: ​GPT response versus Cleo response.

This side-by-side comparison allows evaluators to make a direct assessment of which ​response serves the user better.

In its initial iteration, we relied on a simplistic "thumbs up" and "thumbs down" rating ​system, which boiled down to a binary "good response" or "bad response" ​assessment.

However, we quickly realized the need for a more nuanced approach.

How are we doing it now?

To enhance the evaluation process, we introduced additional criteria for rating ​responses. Evaluators now consider factors like:

  • utility
  • tone of voice
  • factual accuracy
  • the provision of sensible actions

We even included a final question: "Which one is the better response?"

Also, to avoid biases, we anonymised the GPT responses vs. the Cleo one.

This revamped interface empowers our human evaluators to efficiently review AI-​generated responses, providing ratings and feedback that play a pivotal role in refining ​and optimizing our chat interactions. The result is a system that not only streamlines ​evaluation but also significantly elevates the overall quality of our responses.

Room for Continuous Improvement

As we continue to refine our tools and processes, we acknowledge that there is always ​room for improvement. The journey toward perfecting AI-generated chat responses is ​ongoing, and we remain committed to staying at the forefront of AI technology.

Our goal is to ensure that every interaction with Cleo leaves users ​not only impressed with the intelligence of our chat but also ​satisfied with the quality of the conversation.


Designing tools for AI-generated chats is like embarking on an exciting adventure into ​uncharted territory. There are very few tools out there that have been carefully ​designed for this purpose. It's a journey that keeps evolving, and we’re constantly ​refining and adapting our tools to make them better.

As we continue on this exciting path, our enthusiasm is matched by our determination ​to lead in AI-driven conversations. We place a strong emphasis on design, constantly ​pushing the boundaries of technology. Our commitment is to craft chat experiences ​that are not just intelligent but also beautifully designed for our users.